I read today that Ece Sükan resigned from Vogue Türkiye.New era for Vogue Turkiye? will they hire someone new? will the new editor at large of Vogue Turkey be Turkish? Will the new editor at large be a model? what else? I hope they would hire someone with large imagination and great background.because I am not buying any Turkish editions of magazines lately.Because there's no enough imagination but ad campaigns all I see.Thats why I love independent magazines and UK or Japan editions of Vogue, Elle, Bazaar.I love UK based mags such as Another, Love, etc.
I wish to have my own magazine someday.But no Vogue or any other publishing would be like my precious ISTANBUL FASHION ADDICT :)
I wish to have my own magazine someday.But no Vogue or any other publishing would be like my precious ISTANBUL FASHION ADDICT :)
Nice collection.