Iris-she opened the show
shoes are seducer
oh yeah!
my favorite dress from the show but its not really a hot dress with long hands of the dress
details of Karlie
show opener Iris
Alber Elbaz makes the final touches
I watch Lanvin Spring 2010 runway show on fashion tv that Iris -also face of Mango-is the opener of the show.I really love the luxury perfect details of talented Alber Elbaz' collection.He has something magical that makes Lanvin very trend-worthy again and be back in competion of fashion brands.As you wonder the comebacks and goers of fast consumer fashion world,Alber Elbaz did make a pretty miracle for Lanvin lately.Its nothing new but its a process and he makes his talent talk.uber-lüx and uber-elegant dark side of Lanvin in dark colours and no flowers or prints,Lanvin has this simple dark style.But it works.anyways.
photos via gettyimages
photos via gettyimages
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